On the Menu This Week

Greek Style Cheeseburgers
Vegetarian Black Bean Chili
Roasted Cornish Hens with Quinoa and Broccoli

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm Back

I'm back from my vacation, marriage, convention etc!

I'm glad that I didn't pretend that I would blog while away because I forgot my computer. For those who know me, I know I know, shocking! I was in such a hurry the morning I left that I forgot the computer, the computer sitting out ready to go...

So the vacation was great, ate amazing food in vegas Mesa Grill was one of the best meals of my life, at too much at all 3 Vegas dinners, but hey its 3 days right?

My knee got worse and worse as the vacation went on, probably the extra walking, but yesterday it was better most of the day and so far so good today, if this keeps up I'll hop on the treadmill again Thursday or Friday.

I'm sort of dreading the weigh-in on Saturday but I did give myself permission to gain up to 5 pounds while I was gone so I'm not dreading it that much as I'm sure I didn't do that much.
Food Journals to follow soon.

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My Plan

I did WeightWatchers once before in 2004-2005. I lost 50 pounds. I gained some back going through my divorce but the good news is I kept off 20 of them until I restarted WeightWatchers in January 2009.

For the first time, I have found a plan that was easy to stick to. Something just felt right this time. Before embarking on WeightWatchers I re-read some books I had found helpful in the middle of my last journey. The books are listed under "Weight Loss" Books on the side bar, and a blog post about them will follow soon. These books helped get me mentally prepared to lose weight and they are the reason I think I am finding losing to be less of a struggle. I am not letting myself get discouraged by small gains and I am seeing far more consistent results.

WeightWatchers gives you a points target based on weight and basic daily activity level. Every food has a points value based on calories, fiber and fat. Then its like a checkbook you start with your daily balance, subtract for foods eaten and add for activity done which can earn you points. Exercise=More Food. Each food point is roughly 50 calories and each activity point is worth roughly 100, I use a heart-rate monitor to calculate my activity points earned.

You also get 35 weekly points to use as you want anytime during the week. For me the most successful both mentally and on the scale is to use most of those points on Saturday night for a splurge and to then stick to my daily points fairly closely the rest of the week. It helps me to know my favourite foods are only a week away if I want them. People can manage the plan however they want but for me this is the most successful. When I'm working out a lot I try to eat some of those activity points as well. Ironically I get much smaller losses the weeks I don't eat those points on Saturday, maybe it shakes up my metabolism, who knows I just know it works

Finally my last key to my plan is attending meetings. It helps keep me accountable and on track.

Weight Loss Slideshow